
CitrusKiwi's Web Design, Internet & Marketing blog

Get hints and tips about web design, SEO, and things internet. We also discuss online security issues, showcase new client websites and offer hints on marketing and networking.

Not looking back is a bad thing!

Anyone who knows a little of the Old Testament of the Bible will know the famous story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and how, while fleeing from the city prior to its destruction, Lot's wife looks back and i...

  144 Hits

Communication & getting it right

So, we have our place on the market. You all know the stress that comes with that. We got an offer this week, about a week after they viewed the place. Then they wanted an answer by the next morning. ...


User-friendly website design tips

Designing a website with a focus on improving customer ease of use involves creating an intuitive, accessible, and efficient user experience. Every website has millions, if not tens or hundreds of mil...

  276 Hits
Why your site needs video Do you really need video for your web marketing?

Do you really need video for your web marketing?

Yes! And yes! And yes!Video on your website isn't just a great idea, it's absolutely critical for reaching the broadest cross-section of consumers. Recent surveys have shown that more than half of the...


Hire a web pro v DIYing it

A question I get asked from time to time is, "Why should I pay you to design my site when there are lots of free options?" And it's a fair question. If you're not analyzing every business expense then...

How to get more people filling out website forms

Every website has them (or should - it's one of the most common ways a visitor will interact with your website). But, so often, people don't fill out online forms. There can be a number of reasons why...

  716 Hits

Why is my website so slow?

First, we should ask, "Why should you care?" Great question!  Short answer: Because your business needs you to! Longer answer: Research shows that consumers are impatient. Mosat will only give yo...

  625 Hits

What constitutes good website design?

A good website design is one that is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and effectively communicates its intended message. Here are some specific characteristics that contribute to a good website d...

  768 Hits

Claim your Google My Business profile

Do I own my Google My Business (GMB) profile? Does is matter? How do I claim my GMB? Great questions and ones you need to ask. Let\'s answer these questions and a few more surrounding this important S...

  682 Hits
domain-name-scam-renewal Is that domain renewal legit or a scam?

Is that Domain name renewal legit or a scam?

main name renewal scams Questions... Where was your domain name registered, when is it due for renewal, and about how much should you pay for a 1 year renewal (generally)? If you don't know you'r...

  1492 Hits

Using copyrighted image without consent scam

I'd hoped this may have died and gone away on its own, but it seems that "Melanie" (or whoever she or he really is) is a persistent little scammer that's working hard to screw you over. I've seen this...

WCAG2.0 - what is it and should you care?

1990 Americans with Disabilities Act & your website  We've probably all heard the stories of brick-and-mortar businesses running foul of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and what it meant...

  2253 Hits

When "defaults" don't cut it

For those who are more my age (suffice it to say, I'm still in my 50s...just!), and took to computing back in our 20s, we remember having to configure EVERYTHING! "Plug-n-play" wasn't even thought of ...

  1808 Hits

Be afraid, be very afraid!

Yes, I confess, the title is a little melodramatic! However, when it comes to your online and IT security, a little paranoia is a good thing! The truth is, there are people out there just waiting...

  1916 Hits

Don't just READ what you sign, REMEMBER what you sign!

 Remember what (hopefully) your parents taught you? "Don't sign anything till you've read it through!" Totally brilliant advice, but, let's face it, how many of us do? When you signed that life i...

  2157 Hits