
Why use CitrusKiwi?

Why we do what we do

We love small businesses! They are the fundamental building blocks of our nation's economy. America doesn't survive because of giants like Microsoft, Apple, or Amazon. Those companies exist because of small business.

We wanted to help small businesses thrive, not just survive!

Our reason for getting up in the morning is to give small business a chance to go toe-to-toe with big business at least online. We wanted small business to have quality, visitor-retaining, responsive websites that rival their giant cousins.

So, how did we do that?

We came to realize that small businesses generally lack in 3 major areas: time, money & expertise.

A fledgling entrepreneur starts her own business to e her own boss & have more family time and money. A top salesperson finds he knows more about the product than anyone else in the company & so he opens his own enterprise. However, in both cases, they typically lack the financial resources and underestimate the time and sheer heavy lifting that comes with building a business & brand.

Do you never have time for important stuff in business?

Lack of time

New owners eventually find themselves pulled in every direction. Now, they're not only the technician or sales - there are all the other roles to fill: marketing, CFO, HR, receivables/collections & payables, compliance, and accountant. There aren't enough hours in the day!

Good website design beyond your budget?

Lack of money

The vast majority of small businesses are cash poor, especially in the first years. Plant and capital purchases, compliance, and regulatory fees, payroll, etc, often leave little for other areas, such as advertising, R&D, or the boss' paycheck!

Frustrated every time you want to update your website?

Lack of expertise

Most businesses start with the technical expertise for their field of endeavor, but seriously lack the expert help in the other areas mentioned in "Lack of time". 

The CitrusKiwi solution

We knew we needed to offer a better, easier, and more affordable method to deliver valuable web services to our customers than what was available. Our packages are designed to give you essential "web presence expertise" without emptying your bank account. And you get 12 hours of our time FREE each year. 

Custom website design for a low monthly fee

Responsive website that will display properly on mobile, tablet, PC
Professional hosting with enhanced security & regular backups
Complete with on-page SEO optimization
Monthly website performance reports
12 hours of our time, FREE, every year

Zero upfront fees + nothing for 45 days + low monthly subscriptions

You can't lose! Start now!

What we do

We design (or redesign) great websites that engage your customers and work for you as a professional extension and sales tool for your business. We maintain them and advise you on upkeep. We smooth out your cash flow, take a critical job off your hands and do it right, and give you 12 free hours of expert advice and maintenance each year.

Free support

Why do we offer free support? Just like a motor vehicle, your website needs constant monitoring and updating, not only your content but many backend items too. When new versions of the platform or its components are available (often for security reasons) we immediately install them to ensure your site is in tip-top condition. 

Don't struggle to get something new added to your site - you can ask us to do it for free for you! Just send us your request and we'll get it done - usually within a few hours. We're like your free in-house website design department!