
Cheap, animated video for your website

Have you always wanted great animated, explainer video for your website?

But you don't like the huge cost? We didn't either, so we fixed it!

youtube imageHow do I get cheap animated video for my website?

That's a great question! But first, a quick story..

We're sure you know the old saying, "A picture's worth 100 words.", right? Today's "pictures" are videos. With Google owning YouTube, having video on your site, streamed from YouTube, gives Google a great reason to love your website.

We had a client about 6 years ago with a brand new personal fitness trainer business. It was a brand new business, domain name, and website. And, we're sure you get it that personal training is a tough industry to rank in. We had him shoot a bunch of videos about personal training techniques - squats, burpees, dead lifts, etc. Then we posted them on YouTube with solid optimization on each, and added each one to his new site. 

Can you guess what happened?

Yep, TRAFFIC! Within 2 short months, his site was receiving over 500 unique hits a month! Now, sure, that's not massive traffic compared to Amazon or eBay, but this was a brand new site in a high-competition niche.

Customers love video - animated or real person - too

In addition to the "SEO-love" from Google, your visitors will love you too. The Millennial generation consumes more video than any generation previously, and are watching more than they are reading. Video helps hold them on your site.

Video is also a great way to get your message across to anyone. Whether it's an instructional video, a welcome to your business, or a sales tool, video is king of content.

But custom video is so expensive!

Yes, it used to be! Full production video is still often out of the reach of many small businesses. Animated explainer videos bridge the gap and do it well.

CitrusKiwi now offers cheap animated videos to help website perform better. Choose from whiteboard, blackboard or greenboard backgrounds. Choose your own music, or let us add a soundtrack to your video. We can also arrange a professional voice-over expert to do your soundtrack (extra charges apply).

Cheap animated video pricing

This is one of our latest videos - this one is for an aviation avionics client in Phoenix.

Video Pricing (includes voiceover)

   Up to 1 minute  $295.00  $147.00
   1 - 2 minutes  $340.00  $170.00
   2 - 3 minutes  $385.00  $192.00
   3 - 4 minutes  $430.00  $215.00
   Additional minutes (or part minute)  $45.00  $22.00

Don't wait any longer! Help your website work smarter and harder! Contact us today with your requirements or to discuss what you need.