
CitrusKiwi's Web Design, Internet & Marketing blog

Get hints and tips about web design, SEO, and things internet. We also discuss online security issues, showcase new client websites and offer hints on marketing and networking.

Not looking back is a bad thing!

Anyone who knows a little of the Old Testament of the Bible will know the famous story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and how, while fleeing from the city prior to its destruction, Lot's wife looks back and i...

  144 Hits

Communication & getting it right

So, we have our place on the market. You all know the stress that comes with that. We got an offer this week, about a week after they viewed the place. Then they wanted an answer by the next morning. ...


User-friendly website design tips

Designing a website with a focus on improving customer ease of use involves creating an intuitive, accessible, and efficient user experience. Every website has millions, if not tens or hundreds of mil...

  276 Hits
Why your site needs video Do you really need video for your web marketing?

Do you really need video for your web marketing?

Yes! And yes! And yes!Video on your website isn't just a great idea, it's absolutely critical for reaching the broadest cross-section of consumers. Recent surveys have shown that more than half of the...


Hire a web pro v DIYing it

A question I get asked from time to time is, "Why should I pay you to design my site when there are lots of free options?" And it's a fair question. If you're not analyzing every business expense then...

What constitutes good website design?

A good website design is one that is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and effectively communicates its intended message. Here are some specific characteristics that contribute to a good website d...

  768 Hits

WCAG2.0 - what is it and should you care?

1990 Americans with Disabilities Act & your website  We've probably all heard the stories of brick-and-mortar businesses running foul of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and what it meant...

  2253 Hits

6 easy tips to supercharge your website

New Years' resolutions are a great thing... IF you carry them out. As Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (probably) wrote, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"! No plan is bad, but a pla...

  2367 Hits

Are phone videos OK to use on websites?

One thing is for sure, video is IT! As the Boomers and the Gen Xers become much less of a driving force in the buying market, those in the know see a new trend in how the up-and-coming purchasers - th...

  2056 Hits

5 tips for great content

5 tips for great content There's a saying in SEO circles that "Content is king!"  That's even more true heading into 2013 as older, traditional SEO methods have become irrelevant or now have less weight in the search engine's eyes. One of the more spectacular demises in the last 12 months has been the backlink schemes, many participants of these finding their sites hit hard by the Panda update earlier last year. There is no substitute for great content.  Yes, a picture might say a thousand words in some circumstances, but not when it comes to SEO.  They can say a few in SEO through the use of "alt text", but it remains a smaller part of the whole on-page SEO strategy.  Great content, however, is the stuff others link to, and bookmark, and refer others to.  So here's 5 tips for making sure you start in the right direction with...

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9 tips for writing great content

I am often met with fear and trepidation when I ask clients to give me some content for their website.  "I can't write!" I hear very commonly.  The good news is you don't have to - we can do it for you!  So, what, we're experts on every subject?  Hardly!  But we do know some good questions to ask, and this allows us to write great articles about any subject that you give us the information on.  Here's a brief idea on the sort of things we can ask to jog you into giving us facts we can then weave into content. When did you start your business and why?What's your USP (Unique Selling Point)?What are your <insert number> major products/services?Who are your staff?  Tell us about their background (better still have them write it).What concerns do customers in your industry have?  How does <insert company name> help them overcome those...

  2923 Hits

Content is King!

Website content is the collective information that appears your web pages.  This can be images, text, tables or files.  Typically, at the time of the website's design, the web content is fresh and valuable (assuming it is well researched and written!).  But, as things in your business change, your website becomes out of date or incomplete, and your web content can become stale and boring.  Not only do visitors to your site appreciate up-to-date, fresh information and website content, but so do search engines! No static pages In the past, old web sites utilized “static” pages and were somewhat cumbersome for clients to add or edit web content.  Site owners generally needed to rely on their web master or web designer to implement changes to their site and to the website content, which, of course, meant time and money. CMS puts the power in your hands The breakthrough came with Content...

  2937 Hits