Trades Website Design
Trades - electrician, building contractor, roofer, plumber, painter - are fun businesses to create websites for. They tend to be graphically and visually heavy and that gives us, as website designers, a lot of freedom to make some very visually appealing designs.
Our lead designer, Ian, used to be an architect back in his home country of New Zealand, so he understands the sort of information that trades really need to be providing on their websites. In fact, designing the website for his architectural practice (which he ran successfully for over 15 years) was where he got his start in website design!
Electricians, Plumbers, Roofing Contractors, Building Contractors, Painters
We've done them all at one time or another. Each one is slightly different, but they all, in our opinion, require certain specific content for their sites to work well.
Pictures and videos
The spending public today consumes content visually. Just look at the rise of the graphic/video-based social media platforms. Trade websites lend themselves perfectly to "heavy on the graphics" type design. Pictures say a thousand words, and, we would argue, videos say ten thousand! We encourage all our trades to be diligent in taking before and after, and progress pictures and videos to showcase what they do. For example, a before and after of a paint makeover speaks volumes - not only to the quality of the painter, but inspirational to the homeowner to what their home might look like.
Who's at my door?
All trades end up, at some point, at, or in, their client's home. This can be a little scary. We encourage all our trade clients to have a "Meet the team" type page. That way, if they tell their client that "Bill" or "Jane" will be coming to service their AC or change out a breaker-board, the client already knows what they look like. Adding a bio of each team member further adds to the comfort level - we recommend it!
How does this all work?
We all hate surprises when it comes to work being done on our assets because they're rarely pleasant ones. We highly encourage all trade websites to clearly spell out the process of how they will run a job. What does the initial visit look like, how is quoting done and accepted? When are payments expected and how much? Answering these details up-front (though this does NOT take the place of a written contract!) helps with peace of mind and sets expectations.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This applies not just to trade websites, but any website can really benefit from FAQ pages. We tell our clients, "Think of ten or a dozen really common questions (come on, we know you all have them!) that you end up answering over and over, then write the answers and we'll add them as a FAQs page. Then you can just direct people there. Or better still, they read them first and ask more buying-type questions. Cha-ching!

Arroyo Drywall

Ayala's pro Painting

AZ Household Handyman

Blazin' Pest Control

Brown Construction

Clark Heat & Cool

MacClures ITM

Pacific Breeze Heating and Air

Rapidfire Plumbing

TSD Construction