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Do you really need video for your web marketing?

Why your site needs video Do you really need video for your web marketing?
Yes! And yes! And yes!

Video on your website isn't just a great idea, it's absolutely critical for reaching the broadest cross-section of consumers.

Recent surveys have shown that more than half of the respondents under 54 want to watch videos rather than read text. And while the 55+ group tended to favor text (though you know a ton of them still watch video too), this is the declining consumer pool with less money (generally). The under 54-year-olds (excluding under 15-year-olds) makeup 2/3 of the population. Why not market to them in their preferred media choice?

Here are some pros of video on your website:

Engagement: Videos are more dynamic and interactive than text or images, which can help capture visitors' attention and keep them engaged for longer periods on your website.

Visual Communication: Videos allow you to convey complex information, concepts, or stories more effectively than text alone. They can help you demonstrate products, explain processes, or showcase your brand's personality.

SEO Benefits: Including videos can improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO). Google often prioritizes pages with video content, potentially leading to higher search rankings and increased organic traffic. You can enhance this Google engagement even more by building your own company YouTube channel, uploading your video content there, then streaming those videos on your company website. Remember, YouTube is the world's second-largest search engine behind Google (and guess who owns YouTube... Yep, Google!).

Increased Conversion Rates: Videos can be persuasive tools to encourage visitors to take desired actions, such as signing up for newsletters, making purchases, or filling out contact forms. Well-made videos can help build trust and credibility.

Mobile Compatibility: With the increasing use of mobile devices, videos can be a powerful tool for engaging mobile users, provided they are optimized for various screen sizes and loading speeds.

Storytelling: Videos allow you to tell a story in a more immersive way. This can be particularly beneficial for showcasing your brand's values, mission, and history. This is why video testimonials from your clients are so powerful.

Social Sharing: Compelling videos have a higher chance of being shared on social media platforms, potentially extending your website's reach and attracting more visitors. Research shows that even average videos will receive more shares than even a brilliantly written white paper.

Educational Content: If you offer educational content, tutorials, or training, videos can be an excellent way to deliver this information in a more visually engaging and memorable manner. Videos are a great way to walk users through your product or software, provide troubleshooting tips, or sell upgrades.

As with everything, though, nothing is a perfect medium. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when using video on your site:

Loading Speed: Large video files can slow down your website's loading speed, negatively impacting the user experience. It's crucial to optimize your videos for web playback and use compression techniques to keep file sizes manageable. Streaming from YouTube is a great way to mitigate this con, though make sure you're displaying the stream on your site correctly or you can run into other problems - for example, always use a thumbnail or Google will flag you for the lack thereof.

Autoplay: Autoplaying videos with sound can be annoying for users and may drive them away from your site. If you absolutely MUST use autoplay, make sure it's user-friendly and easily controllable. Personally, we hate autoplay. Think about the person sitting in the company office. Yes, they should be working, but they're wanting to buy your product, so, in between tasks, they head to your website, and BAM!!! The music and voiceover start at full volume because they forgot the sound on their computer was set to maximum. in 99% of cases, autoplay is not appropriate.

Accessibility: Ensure that your videos are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Provide captions and transcripts for better inclusivity.

Quality: Poorly produced videos can reflect negatively on your brand. Many designers insist on Hollywood-quality videos, maintaining that it boosts brand image. To a point, this is correct. Don't give your 10-year-old phone to your 5-year-old to shoot your company's promotional video! It's never going to do what you want. So, we'll agree, that, for company promotion videos, yes, get someone who has a few clues to do the shoot. But Hollywood? Nope! Even the most basic phone today takes video on par with made high-end production quality cameras of not too long ago. However, bear in mind that you'll have a lot less ability to "craft" your video, at least in the shooting phase, with your phone or tablet. So be prepared to do some post-shoot work to enhance.

For product videos, think similar to promo videos. However, the emphasis here needs to be content. After all, you're telling them how to use your product. Ensure the video is in focus, and the voiceover is crisp and clear, but, most importantly, make sure your "story" (the How To) is complete and logically thought out.

Finally, customer testimonials. This is one place you definitely DON'T want Hollywood quality. This can make them look fake. Yes, maybe one or two "showcase" testimonials done really well are fine, but not every one of them. Sit down with your customer and shoot it real and raw right there in their home, office, backyard, or wherever! One good thing to do, though, is to go through what they want to say before you hit record. It'll save a lot of time, and they'll get to say what they really wanted to.

Relevance: Make sure the videos you include on your website are relevant to your content and audience. Irrelevant or poorly integrated videos can confuse visitors.

In summary, videos can be an extremely valuable asset for your website if used strategically and with attention to quality, loading speed, and accessibility. They have the potential to enhance user engagement, convey information effectively, and contribute to your overall online presence. However, in the past, video production has scared away many small businesses because of cost. With today's upsurge in easy-to-use video tools, video production is no longer only available to those businesses that have huge marketing budgets.

We offer animated video production with full voiceover and music starting at just $295.00 for a 1-minute video (and $147.00 if you're a customer). You cannot afford NOT to have video on your website. Stop delaying and get started now

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