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Desktops/laptops/brick and mortar still popular shopping

If you're like me, you'll have heard that around 90% of all buying decisions start with an online search. And about 60% of those searches are done on mobile devices. A recent survey of 1000 people has revealed some very interesting shopping facts.

1. In store shopping is still popular though decreasing over most age ranges. The surprising trend is an increase in instore shopping among the 25-34 age range. Also, families with an annual income of less than $75,000 show an increase in instore shopping.

2. Desktops and laptops still remain popular methods of buying online, however laptops trump desktops. Interestingly, only smartphone ownership and use for shopping online is higher than similar numbers for laptops among 18-34 YOs.

3. Just over 1/3 of wearbles users say they shop with these devices! These devices are most owned by the 25-34 age rang, with 35-44 next.

4. Frequency of shopping decreased across the age range, except for for the 25-34 age range which showed a significant increase.

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