
Graphics & Logo Design

Graphics and logo designWe don't do much logo design, though we've completed some nice logos in the past where a client comes to us without one, or a tired one. For more complex designs we usually give to experts in that area. Your logo is one of the first elements of your business that potential clients will see. It must be good!

Graphics design, on the other hand, is something we do on nearly every site we design or redesign. There's always an image that needs some manipulation - even just basic cropping can dramatically increase an image's impact - or a banner or button that needs designing. We've even put together business cards for some clients.

How much do we do as part of the design?

We've yet to charge anything for any of the hundreds of graphical elements we produce to help make a website shine. Yes, we could, and maybe we should, but we like to think we are a little different from other companies who want to nickel and dime their clients whenever they can. We just don't think that's good, honest business.

We do usually charge for logo design as there's normally a lot more work in these than a basic button or banner. But talk to us first, and we'll see what you want and whether we can do it, or pass it on to our outsource designer, and discuss with you the likely costs.