
Blogging for BusinessesGet blogging for your business's health

Blogging for businessesThere's no doubt that being consistent with updating your blog takes commitment, but it's important you do. Just as getting a six-pack doesn't happen sitting in front of the TV eating pretzels, a blog doesn't happen (it doesn't happen well, at least) without a plan.

Do businesses really benefit from a blog?

No, if it's done badly

In fact, it actually sends visitors a really bad message about your company. We tell our customers that, if they can't blog regularly and follow our simple to use plan, then don't blog at all. Yes their site suffers from lack of fresh content, but we'd prefer to see no blog than a poorly done one.

Ever been on a company site that does one or more of the following:

  • Last post a year ago
  • Riddled with spelling and grammatical errors
  • Just talks about how great their company is
  • Just talks about how great their products are

Does that give you confidence in them as a company to trust with your hard-earned cash?

Yes, if it's done well

So how do you blog "well"? Follow this simple 1-2-3 plan of action:

  • Start with a commitment - "I will write <number of> blogs per <timeframe>". The number should never be less than 1 per month (if you're new to blogging we suggest you start off small - 1 - 2 per month - until you get good at it).
  • After deciding a number , diarize it! This is a meeting you must attend - no excuses. If you had a meeting with a new client, you'd make sure you were there, right? That's exactly what your blog is - a meeting with a new, potential client. Give it your best.
  • Download our Twitter Method white paper. Although this talks about working Twitter to promote yourself, the same principles can be applied to blogging. What you're aiming to achieve is an informal dialogue with clients and potential clients, showcasing your abilities (without blowing your own trumpet), pitching yourself as real people who do real things.

How will a blog help my business?

  • As you start to get a following, it helps ensure a steady stream of traffic - both new and returning - coming to your website. Google likes sites that have good traffic volumes, as long as they don't bounce a soon as they get there. "Bouncing" refers to visitors who hit your site, but leave without viewing another page. This isn't good in Google's eyes, so that's why your blog, in fact your whole site, needs to have quality content.
  • Secondly, you start to become an authority, to your visitors and to Google. Both of these are good.
  • Thirdly, regular blogging ensures a steady stream of fresh content on your site. Again, both visitors and Google will like you for it.